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Open Letter to Pope Francis 

Times of Israel, 29.11.24


Do the European Churches fail Israel? (German)


The Friend in the War (German)

Patrik Schwarz,  Chefredakteur Länderausgaben der ZEIT, tauscht mit einem israelischen Reserveoffizier, Psychologen und Thora-Gelehrten persönliche Sprachnachrichten aus. So teilen sie ihren Alltag, der eine in München, der andere in Jerusalem. Und jetzt, da die Normalität zerbricht? Geschichte einer Freundschaft im Ausnahmezustand.

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Papers in Hebrew

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Ledaber al Elohim

"Talking about God in psychotherapy"


Yacob - Israel : A Biblical Individuation Myth

A psychological examination of Jacob's dreams and angelic visions.


Sakanat ha-Gilui hajashir ( "The risk of direct disclosure"): This reinterpretation of the Akkeda (Isaaks binding) presents  the intervention of the angel as the key to the understanding of the message of this difficult biblical account. 


HaSefat-Emet scheli : Why I love the book Sefat-Emet.


Articles in German

Salzburger Nachrichten 20.5.23
Interview mit Gabriel Strenger 

Tora zwischen Mystik und Tatsachenbericht
Hat Mose das Schilfmeer wirklich gespalten?

Zur Ansicht und Speichern des Interviews oben rechts am Dokument auf dem Pfeil drücken

Akkeda and Oedipus

The biblical narrative of the Akkeda (binding of Isaac) is interpreted here as a biblical adaptation or "tikkun" (reparation) of the Greek Oedipus.

Is there an Israeli anti-Semitism?

Political events in Israel suggest an unconscious compulsion to repeat internalized anti-Semitic patterns. 

Declaration of Orthodox Rabbis on Christianity:  Psychological and Spiritual Aspects

in: Ahrens, Jehoschua / Irving Greenberg / Eugene Korn (eds.). From Confrontation to Covenantal Partnership: Jews and Christians Reflect on the Orthodox Rabbinic Statement of "To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven". Metropol Verlag, 2017.

German Edition


English book chapters

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Declaration of Orthodox Rabbis on Christianity:  Psychological and Spiritual Aspects

in: Ahrens, Jehoschua / Irving Greenberg / Eugene Korn (eds.). From Confrontation to Covenantal Partnership: Jews and Christians Reflect on the Orthodox Rabbinic Statement of "To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven". Jerusalem / New York: Urim, 2020

English Edition

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