Gabriel Strenger | Home
Welcome to my website, the home for a variety of my intellectual and spiritual passions: Torah, Jewish mysticism, Hassidism and Interreligious Dialogue, as well as Psychoanalysis, Archetypal Psychology, Meditation and Spiritual Music.
The common root of my various occupations is symbolically represented by the home my family and I adopted for ourselves: Jerusalem (Jeru-Shalem - literally: «You will see peace / completion»).
I give humbly grace to the Eternal for the chance given to me to share some of my work with you on this platform!
Enjoy your visit here and savor the various free offers in this site, such as Papers, Lectures and Spiritual Chanting and Music.
In addition this website provides you with the opportunity to purchase my Books and Music-CDs.
All this is just a mouse-click away!
Gabriel Strenger (*1965), born and raised in Basle (Switzerland), lives with his family and children in Jerusalem (Israel). He studied at various Talmud academies, graduated in Clinical Psychology (M.A., 1993) as well as in Jewish and General Philosophy (B.A., 1990) at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. He graduated in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the Psychoanalytic Institute in Jerusalem (1999) and is a licensed Hypnotist and EMDR practitioner. He is a senior individual and couple psychotherapist with a private practice in Jerusalem and teaches Psychotherapy at the Magid Institute (Hebrew University). For six years he served as the Clinical Director of "Children's Town", Jerusalem.
Gabriel lectures on Hassidism and Jewish spirituality and teaches Jewish Meditation in Israel, Switzerland, Germany and Austria. He participates regularly in interreligious encounters in Germany, and from 2015 till 2022 he acted as the representative of the “Stuttgart Foundation for Interreligious Dialogue” in Israel and as its referent for Judaism and Spirituality in Germany.
Over the last 30 years he has performed as a cantor in communities and Synagogues in Israel and Europe and has participated in music events of various kinds. He integrates spiritual singing/chanting in his seminars on Judaism and integrates professional singing methods in his unique stuttering treatment programm Siach (Siach Hofshi - "Free Speech").
Gabriel published various books on Judaism and Spirituality in Hebrew and German:
מסע אל החירות: ליל הסדר כתהליך צמיחה (כרמל, 2014)
אומנות העבודה שבלב - מדריך רוחני לתפילה (2021)
"רוחניות במפגש היהודי-מוסלמי: נושאים, תהליכים ואישים" (אדרה, 2023)
Sefer Ha-Hinuch (5 Vol., translated into German by Gabriel Strenger) (Morascha, Basel, 1993)
Jewish Spirituality (Morascha, Basel, 2016)
The Art of Prayer (Morascha, Basel, 2019)
Spirituality in the Jewish-Muslim Encounter (Stuttgart Lehrhaus Foundation, 2021)
Gabriel published two Music CDs of Jewish Soul Music:
Likrat Shabbat - Inspirational Songs for Shabbat Eve
Encounters - Inspirational Hebrew Songs in Cooperation with other Singers
Vocation / Occupation
Gabriel is a Clinical psychologist, practicing in his private practice in Jerusalem - in Hebrew, English, German and French.
Individual psychodynamic psychotherapy
Couple Therapy
Hypnosis and EMDR
Stuttering Treatment
Lecturing in Israel
Magid Institute of Psychotherapy (Hebrew University)
David-Yellin Teacher's Seminar, Jerusalem (2000-2014)
Other academic institutions: Jerusalem College, Lifshitz College, Yanar
Teacher of Jewish Spirituality, Kabbalah and Hassidism, Jerusalem
Jewish Meditation Teacher (Bina we-Daat), Jerusalem
Leader of study groups of hassidic writings
Lecturer in the "Studies in Jerusalem" one-year programm for theologists from Germany in Jerusalem
Lecturer, Blickle Institute for Interreligious Dialogue, Efrat
Jewish Teaching and Interreligious Dialogue in Europe
Katholisches Bildungshaus, Singen
Evangelische Akademie, Bad Boll
Meditationszentrum «Neumühle»,
Tünsdorf (Saarland) -
Zentrum für Achtsamkeit und Meditation "Benediktushof", Holzkirchen
Evangelischer Kirchentag in Deutschland
Div. catholic and protestant communities in Germany
Stuttgart Lehrhaus Foundation for Interreligious Dialogue (2015-2022)
Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zürich (ICZ)
Zürcher Institut für Interreligiösen Dialog (ZIID)
Lassallehaus, Bad-Schönbrunn
ZentrumRanft, Flüeli
Salzburg University
"Way of Hope", Weiz